Written By: Nadia Gorbacheva
When you live in a quiet neighborhood, work in a comfortable office, and come home to a warm bed, it’s easy to overlook the issues lurking beyond our everyday bubble.                                                                             

Homelessness is one such issue — an overwhelming crisis that we rarely see unless we venture into certain parts of the city. Yet, it’s not just an urban problem; it’s a national one, and it’s growing at an alarming rate.

It’s easy to think of homelessness as a problem that exists only in specific places or affects only a few. Yet, the reality is far more staggering: as of the latest count, 653,104 people — or about 20 out of every 10,000 in the United States — are experiencing homelessness on any given night. This is the highest recorded number since the U.S. began tracking the issue in 2007, revealing a crisis that has seeped into every corner of society.                                                                                                                                                      

Homelessness isn’t just about being without a roof.
It’s about vulnerability.
The erosion of dignity.

A descent into isolation.

Consider, too, the 355,000 children without a parent or guardian, navigating this challenging world alone.
Each of these figures represents a person — a story that could belong to anyone: someone’s mother, father, friend, or even a child.

The circumstances that lead people to homelessness are complex, often rooted in multiple systemic issues, such as the affordable housing crisis, economic inequality, mental health challenges, and limited access to supportive services.

Timothy Hill Ranch launched its SHELTER PROGRAM in 2021 to help address the homelessness crisis.
What makes our program unique is that we go beyond providing shelter, meals, and safety.

At Timothy Hill Ranch, we are committed to preparing young adults (aged 21 to 27) for a life far beyond the walls of our program. Our mission is not just to offer temporary relief but to break the cycle of homelessness — permanently.

Our shelter program includes a workforce development internship and a structured three-month experience that teaches participants how to enter and thrive in the workforce. It’s not just about helping them get a job; it’s about helping them keep a job. For many, this is the difference between a brief respite and a transformed life.                                                                
Here’s how we do it:
We teach foundational skills that will help them thrive in any job environment — not just get a job, but maintain it.
  • Punctuality
  • Dressing professionally
  • Managing stress
  • Conducting themselves responsibly at work
  • Resume writing
  • Navigating job applications
  • Securing a driver’s license
  • Financial literacy
At the end of the program, we collaborate with local businesses to offer full-time jobs with benefits. This ensures that each participant leaves with not just a job, but also a network and a support system to help prevent a return to homelessness. The skills they’ve learned—such as budgeting, saving, and managing money wisely—work hand in hand with their new employment to create long-term stability.                                                                                                                      
Our success stories show that these programs make a profound impact, but they are only possible because of the generosity of our donors and grants. State funding covers the essentials — shelter, meals, and basic needs. But the heart of our program — the internships, skill-building, and real-life preparation — relies entirely on those who believe in our mission.
To our donors, volunteers, and supporters: you’re not just giving money. You’re offering hope, dignity, and a priceless opportunity for each young adult to regain control over their life. Every donation is an investment in breaking the cycle of homelessness.

While homelessness may not make headlines every day, it is real, urgent, and growing. As we sit in our warm homes, it’s crucial to remember that we are part of a larger community, and we have the power to make a global impact — one life, one opportunity at a time. Together, we can continue building pathways out of homelessness and into a future of independence, resilience, and hope.