Fifty years ago, on May 11th, 1972, a 13-year-old boy “Graduated to Glory”. His name was Timothy Hill and in his time growing up in Riverhead, New York, his name became known throughout much of the community.
By the age of 12, Timothy worked at a horse ranch and ran 3 paper routes; he started Boy Scout pack #133 and nearly earned his Eagle merit badge years before many do; he was captain of his junior high cross country track team, played the French horn, participated in bible studies, bought his own horse… to keep his accolades short, Timothy was destined to be a high achiever.
In the midst of all his admirable pursuits, Timothy had saved his hard earned money to buy property. Growing up in a home with many foster children inspired the young Hill to start a ranch where young kids could “live, be loved, and have wide opens spaces to ride horses.” Fern recalls explaining to real estate agents on the phone that the 13-year-old calling them was very serious about his inquiries. But God had another plan.
Physical death for those who walk with God is neither sad nor fearful. It is a time for elation, for it is total victory.

50 years after Timothy “Graduated to Glory” on May 11th, 1972, his dream has become a reality greater than he could have imagined. The name Timothy Hill means so much to the youth we serve in 4 states as we do our best to love them, serve them, and teach them the importance of work hard and with all of your heart. Who knows what sort of impact their life may have 50 years later.
To learn more about Timothy’s life, please consider purchasing a copy of Graduation to Glory by Fern Hill, available on Amazon.