Brandon Ip, a former resident turned employee of Timothy Hill Ranch (THR), shares his transformative journey from a teenager lacking discipline to a motivated individual, thanks to the support and guidance provided by THR staff. Brandon highlights the impact of monthly donors on his experience at THR, enabling him and other residents to enjoy recreational activities and create lasting memories. As an employee, Brandon emphasizes the crucial role of monthly donors in sustaining THR’s mission of helping youth not just survive, but thrive.

I’m not sure I would’ve found Christ, if it wasn’t for my time at the Ranch 10 years ago.
Let’s Meet Brandon
Q: Can you share a bit about your journey at Timothy Hill Ranch and how it has impacted your life?
A: As a teenager, I lacked discipline and the motivation to work hard and put my best foot forward. I was lazy, unmotivated, and believed I knew everything there was to know under the sun. Whilst at Timothy Hill, I was surrounded and supported by loving staff where I learned to embrace hard work and a regimented lifestyle. The support from THR staff helped me reach milestones (first job, license, high school diploma, first car) where I learned a lesson about determination, hard work, and perseverance each step of the way.
Q: How did the support from monthly donors impact your ability to participate in various activities or programs offered at Timothy Hill Ranch?
A: As a kid at Timothy Hill, some of my fondest moments are of the recreation events I was able to go on. I remember going to Six Flags, travelling to Massachusetts, and plenty other nights of fun whether it was delicious meals or arcade games. I believe monthly contributions played a big role on us being able to go on fun little adventures, and let us just “be kids.”
Q: In your opinion, as a current employee, what role do monthly donors play in ensuring the sustainability and success of Timothy Hill Ranch’s mission?
A: I think that our monthly contributors play a pivotal role in continuing to provide the “extras” for our youth. At Timothy Hill Ranch, we are not just helping youth “survive” but we want to see them thrive. We want to see them experience happy moments, and build life-long memories from their time here. Dream Ranchers make that dream a reality. At the time of writing this, we have our young boys and girls from NY on a ski-trip in Massachusetts – where this is the first time skiing for most if not all of them.
Q: How does knowing that individuals were supporting the ranch monthly affect your commitment to be a Dream Rancher yourself?
A: After returning to Timothy Hill Ranch as an employee, I knew immediately that I wanted to become a Dream Rancher. I have a firm belief in giving back, but also I know that I am one drop in a large bucket that is working towards a common goal. It is inspiring that there are so many good folks who believe in our mission and would make reoccurring contributions to better the lives of young people who desperately need our help. I am glad I get to play my part in helping our kids experience the same happiness that I had almost a decade ago.
Q: Looking back, what message would you like to convey to the monthly donors who have supported Timothy Hill Ranch and its residents like yourself?
A: In the voice of both a 17 year old resident, and a 26 year old staff member, I would like to provide a resounding thank you! As a program graduate, I believe in what we do wholeheartedly, and I’m so grateful for folks like yourself that give us the support and resources to do what we do! You are playing a pivotal role in the success of our up-and-coming generation. I’m not sure I would’ve found Christ, if it wasn’t for my time at the Ranch 10 years ago.