What It Takes To Dream

A 40 year-old man takes a seat at his family’s dinner table, thinking back on his years as a teenager. There once was no seat for him at Thanksgiving, before he was placed at Timothy Hill Ranch. He begins to think on his first “family dinner” at the Ranch, a moment...
January 27th is Thank Your Mentor Day

January 27th is Thank Your Mentor Day

Celebrating the people who make our work possible. https://mentoring.org What would Timothy Hill Ranch be without the mentoring specialists and work crew leaders that guide our young men every day? Their role is the very core of our program. Mentoring shows young...
The Timothy Hill Global Video

The Timothy Hill Global Video

This video is, in summary, a summary! If you’ve been with Timothy Hill Ranch for a long time, you’d know that we’ve grown A LOT. We have group home programs, transitional programs, retreat centers, retreat centers with transitional programs, we have...